Wicked Nights With a Lover (Avon) (2024)

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Wicked Nights With a Lover (Avon) (1)

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engleză [en], .pdf, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 1.0MB, 📘 Carte (non-ficțiune), lgli/_432371.b51572c19539f8c5448942dfc603dc76.pdf

Wicked Nights With a Lover (Avon) 🔍

Avon, Original, 2010

Sophie Jordan 🔍


What should a proper lady do when she believes her days are numbered? Step One: Take a Lover . . . After being told she will not survive beyond the year's end, prim and lovely Marguerite Laurent intends to live what remains of her life to the very fullest. Though she may never know love, she will know passion—and she agrees to a whirlwind romance with a former admirer. But hours before embarking upon her grand adventure, Marguerite is abducted—by an unscrupulous rogue who boldly announces his intentions to bed and wed her before the week is out! Step Two: Live With No Regrets . . . Ash Courtland pulled himself up from the gutter to become a successful man of business, and now he wants revenge on his one-time partner for betraying him. Still, his enemy's bewitching daughter is most certainly not about to surrender her innocence to the infuriating—if shockingly attractive—cad who took her captive. Yet with no more than a touch, Ash makes her tremble with desire . . . and resisting the heat of his passion could cost Marguerite her last, best chance for ecstasy.

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2011 12 30

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Titlu alternativ

Wicked nights with a lover : Penwich School for Virtuous Girls series, book 3

Titlu alternativ

Wicked Nights With a Lover (Penwich School for Virtuous Girls Book 3)

Titlu alternativ

Wicked Nights With a Lover (The Penwich School for Virtuous Girls)

Autor alternativ

Jordan, Sophie

Editură alternativă

HarperCollins Publishers

Editură alternativă

Publisher not identified

Editură alternativă

HarperCollins e-books

Editură alternativă

Avon Books

Ediție alternativă

Penwich School for Virtuous Girls, Place of publication not identified, 2010

Ediție alternativă

Place of publication not identified, 2014

Ediție alternativă

Avon romance, New York, ©2010

Ediție alternativă

3, 2010

Descriere alternativă

<p>What should a proper lady do when she believes her days are numbered?</p>
<p>Step One: Take a Lover . . .</p>
<p>After being told she will not survive beyond the year's end, prim and lovely Marguerite Laurent intends to live what remains of her life to the very fullest. Though she may never know love, she <b>will</b> know passion—and she agrees to a whirlwind romance with a former admirer. But hours before embarking upon her grand adventure, Marguerite is abducted—by an unscrupulous rogue who boldly announces his intentions to bed and wed her before the week is out!</p>
<p>Step Two: Live With No Regrets . . .</p>
<p>Ash Courtland pulled himself up from the gutter to become a successful man of business, and now he wants revenge on his one-time partner for betraying him. Still, his enemy's bewitching daughter is most certainly <b>not</b> about to surrender her innocence to the infuriating—if shockingly attractive—cad who took her captive. Yet with no more than a touch, Ash makes her tremble with desire . . . and resisting the heat of his passion could cost Marguerite her last, best chance for ecstasy.</p>

Descriere alternativă

What should a proper lady do when she believes her days are numbered' Step One: Take a Lover ... After being told she will not survive beyond the year's end, prim and lovely Marguerite Laurent intends to live what remains of her life to the very fullest. Though she may never know love, she will know passion'and she agrees to a whirlwind romance with a former admirer. But hours before embarking upon her grand adventure, Marguerite is abducted'by an unscrupulous rogue who boldly announces his intentions to bed and wed her before the week is out! Step Two: Live With No Regrets ... Ash Courtland pulled himself up from the gutter to become a successful man of business, and now he wants revenge on his one-time partner for betraying him. Still, his enemy's bewitching daughter is most certainly not about to surrender her innocence to the infuriating'if shockingly attractive'cad who took her captive. Yet with no more than a touch, Ash makes her tremble with desire ... and resisting the heat of his passion could cost Marguerite her last, best chance for ecstasy

Descriere alternativă

"Sophie Jordan is one of a kind!" #8212;Samantha James Wicked Nights With a Lover is the final installment of New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sophie Jordan's smart and sexy historical romance series in which students from the Penwich School for Virtuous Girls rise from simple beginnings to conquer the hearts of the ton's most sought after bachelors. A wonderful Victorian romantic adventure, Wicked Nights With a Lover will thrill readers of Lisa Kleypas and Sabrina Jeffries, as a dedicate young lady, falsely believing her days are numbered, prepares to take a lover#8212;and ends up being abducted by the wrong man!

Descriere alternativă

“Sophie Jordan is one of a kind!” —Samantha James Wicked Nights With a Lover is the final installment of New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sophie Jordan’s smart and sexy historical romance series in which students from the Penwich School for Virtuous Girls rise from simple beginnings to conquer the hearts of the ton’s most sought after bachelors. A wonderful Victorian romantic adventure, Wicked Nights With a Lover will thrill readers of Lisa Kleypas and Sabrina Jeffries, as a dedicate young lady, falsely believing her days are numbered, prepares to take a lover—and ends up being abducted by the wrong man!

Descriere alternativă

What should a proper lady do when she believes her days are numbered?Step One: Take a Lover . . .After being told she will not survive beyond the year's end, prim and lovely Marguerite Laurent intends to live what remains of her life to the very fullest. Though she may never know love, she willnot about to surrender her innocence to the infuriating?if shockingly attractive?cad who took her captive. Yet with no more than a touch, Ash makes her tremble with desire ... and resisting the heat of his passion could cost Marguerite her last, best chance for ecstasy

Descriere alternativă

Nurse Marguerite Laurent fears a fortune teller's assertion that she will die before the year's end. Never one to avoid a challenge, she answers her estranged father's missive and travels to London to meet her half-sisters. Her father's business partner, Ash Courtland, decides to abduct Marguerite for his own personal gain, but is surprised by and attracted to her unyielding nature

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Wicked Nights With a Lover (Avon) (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Views: 5675

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.