99 Cents Food Handler (2025)

1. FullSchedule.com

  • Competitors' prices -- check it ...

  • Food Handler course and certificate in Texas as low as 99 cents. For all restaurant and food handler workers who require a Food Handler certificate and health code training for their employment.

2. 99centfoodhandler : FullSchedule.com | $0.99 / $3.00 ...

3. Accredited Food Handler Internet (Online) Training Programs

  • Browse through Accredited Food Handler Internet Online Training Programs in the state of Texas. Access license verification materials and sample ...

  • Browse through Accredited Food Handler Internet Online Training Programs in the state of Texas. Access license verification materials and sample certificates.

4. Texas Food Handlers Certification & License - American Course Academy

  • Texas upholds a commitment to food safety, requiring all food handlers to obtain their certification within just 60 days of starting their employment.

  • Achieve your Texas Food Handlers Certification effortlessly with American Course Academy! Enjoy our streamlined, state-approved online course available in English and Spanish. No tests, instant certification, and a free downloadable card. Perfect for aspiring food handlers in Texas seeking a hassle-free, cost-effective way to boost their career. Combine with TABC certification for comprehensive training!

Texas Food Handlers Certification & License - American Course Academy

5. [PDF] 182-99cent-ios-example-2021.pdf

  • Apr 10, 2019 · Alternately, you can visit https://99centfoodhandler.com/verify and enter the certificate number. Full Schedule LLC support@99centfoodhandler.

6. Texas Food Handler Certification | Learn2Serve® - 360 Training

  • Getting your food handler license in Texas is easy! You need to complete a training course and pass a test, and then you'll have a food handler permit.

  • Earn your Texas Food Handler Certificate online with our accredited courses. Get certified fast with Learn2Serve® by 360training®. Enroll now!

7. Free TABC Training - Texas Restaurant Association

  • The Texas Restaurant Association wants to help you jumpstart that career by offering free certification training, so you can get to work as soon as the open ...

8. Food Handlers Card & Certificate Training

  • Missing: cents | Show results with:cents

  • Get your ANAB or state-approved food handler certification online with Learn2Serve® by 360training®. Enhance your food safety skills online. Enroll now!

Food Handlers Card & Certificate Training
99 Cents Food Handler (2025)


How much does it cost to get a food handler license in Texas? ›

Only $7.95, 100% Online

Food Handler Cards must be issued by an ANSI National Accreditation Board-Accredited provider.

How do I renew my food handlers license in Texas? ›

To renew your food handler Certification, you must complete the Texas food handler certification course again. The entire course must be taken every two years to renew your certificate.

Which of the following items should not be washed to help prevent cross contamination while preparing food? ›

USDA research has found that washing or rinsing meat or poultry increases the risk for cross-contamination in the kitchen, which can cause foodborne illness. From a food safety perspective, washing raw poultry, beef, pork, lamb or veal before cooking it is not recommended as the safest method.

Why must ready to-eat foods be handled carefully? ›

It is important to handle ready-to-eat food safely to protect it from harmful bacteria and allergens. Ready-to-eat food is food that will not be cooked or reheated before serving. This includes salads, cooked meats, smoked fish, desserts, sandwiches, cheese and food that you have cooked in advance to serve cold.

How long does a Texas food handler certificate take? ›

How long is the course? TX DSHS requires the food handler program cover 2 hours of material. However, that is the minimum; you can take longer than that if you wish.

How do I find my Texas food handler certificate online for free? ›

TABC Certificate Inquiry
  1. Go to the Seller Training/TABC Certification Inquiry System.
  2. Click “Certificate Inquiry” link on the left side of the screen.
  3. Enter your Social Security number without any dashes.
  4. Enter your birth date (MM/DD/YYYY).
  5. Follow the security measures instructions and click “search.”

Why shouldn't you wash chicken? ›

Salmonella, Campylobacter and other harmful bacteria live on raw chicken. Washing or rinsing doesn't remove this risk, it worsens it by helping the bacteria spread. When you add water through washing or rinsing, you give these bacteria a way to travel throughout your kitchen.

What temperature is the Danger Zone? ›

Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 ° and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes. This range of temperatures is often called the "Danger Zone." That's why the Meat and Poultry Hotline advises consumers to never leave food out of refrigeration over 2 hours.

What is the safe temperature for food? ›

If the temperature is above 90 °F, food should not be left out more than 1 hour. Keep hot food hot—at or above 140 °F. Place cooked food in chafing dishes, preheated steam tables, warming trays, and/or slow cookers. Keep cold food cold—at or below 40 °F.

Can you touch ready to-eat foods with your bare hands? ›

The main reason for not touching ready-to-eat foods with bare hands is to prevent viruses and bacteria which are present on your hands from contaminating the food. Improper food handling is one of the most common causes of foodborne illnesses.

Which food should not be handled with bare hands? ›

Examples of ready- to-eat foods include: salads, baked goods, sandwiches, lunchmeat, etc. Some ready-to-eat foods that are often overlooked are toast, pizza slices and drink garnishes. None of these foods may be handled with bare hands.

Can you touch raw meat with bare hands? ›

Raw meat can carry germs like viruses and bacteria that can make you sick. These can transfer to our hands, cooking utensils, and other food.

How much is the permit to sell food in Texas? ›

Gross Annual Volume of Food SalesPermitting Fee
$0 – $49,999.99$258
$50,000 – $149,999.99$515
$150,000 or more$773

How do I get my TABC and food handlers certification in Texas? ›

For TABC certification, you must complete a course approved by the TABC. Similarly, for the food handler certification, you must complete an accredited food safety course. Upon completion of each course, you must pass an examination to receive your certification.

What license do I need to become a food vendor in Texas? ›

Table of Contents
  • Permitting.
  • Obtaining a Certified Food Manager's Certificate.
  • Obtaining Food Handler Certification.
  • Obtaining a Tax ID Number.
  • Equipment and Facility Requirements. ...
  • Approved Water Source/Water Wells.
  • Restrictions on Commercial Food Preparation in a Home.
  • Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER)

Is my food handler card still valid in Texas? ›

Q: How long is my card valid in Texas? A: A food handler card from eFoodcard.com is valid in any Texas county for 2 years from the date of successful test completion. Some Texas cities and counties have additional fees associated with food handler certification.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.